System Solutions
Supply Chain Analytics

Warehouse Management System (WMS)

Advanced & customized WMS
at affordable and flexible pricing.

Oφ redefines the traditional and rigid WMS with a highly flexible and customizable solution powered by advanced analytics.

Our robust Oφ WMS deployed in the cloud or on your premises is loaded with innovative functionalities, intuitive user interface and forward looking mobility solutions.

With our configurable and cost
effective WMS, you get

  • A Solution that is tailored for you
  • Lightening speed deployments
  • Enthusiastic & Quick absorption
  • Rapid ROI

WMS Anywhere

  • In Manufacturing
  • In Warehouse
  • In Store

Warehouse operations are an integral part of manufacturing operations. From Work Order creation, to raw material picks, and BOM consumption through WIP and Finished goods production all the way to shipping is a set of seamless and readily deployable functionalities in Oφ WMS.

As the roles of manufacturing and warehousing facilities blur along with the omni-channel requirement to ship from all nodes in the supply chain, the systems have to support that as well. Oφ WMS supports both discrete and continuous manufacturing.

Key advantages include:

  • Efficient handling of warehouse operations through seamless integration of functionalities
  • Support for continuous and discrete manufacturing operations

Warehouse nodes are especially critical as ecommerce and omni-channel fulfillment requirements continue to demand more out of less everyday.

From being stockpiles of inventory, warehouses are now strategic supply chain nodes, that are the drivers of competitive edge. From distributed order management to task interleaving to dynamic slotting, the advanced functionalities in our WMS is sure to impress and benefit you.

Our rapidly configurable WMS solution:

  • Improves service levels
  • Increases productivity
  • Reduces over time
  • Improves space utilization
  • Adapts to light manufacturing, assembly
    and kitting

Immediately improve your store operations and make it an omni-channel node in your supply chain.

Track real time inventory in the store from pre-receiving to POS, including shipping and returns at the store. Leverage our advanced mobility solutions to convert your smartphone into handheld scanners to capture real-time inventory movement

Advanced capabilities of Oφ WMS include:

  • Real-time tracking of inventory, from pre-receiving to POS
  • Real-time tracking of shipping and returns at store
  • Advanced mobility solutions for converting
    smart phones into handheld scanners in

Core Functionalities that Deliver..

Inbound Receipts & Directed Putaway

Our receiving functionalities, with real time inventory tracking, typically reduce dock to stock time from 24 – 72 hrs to under 15 minutes…

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Dynamic-Slotting and

When was the last time you slotted your warehouse based on velocity? Is it still efficient? Do you have a seasonal business…

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Efficient and Fast Pick, Pack &

Increase the throughput and speed of your pick, pack and ship operations. Accomplish more with less. Typical improvements…

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Accurate Inventory Control,
Counts & Management

Real time inventory visibility at your finger-tip is a necessity and not a luxury any more. Oφ WMS provides visibility to inventory by location…

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Proactive Labor Management

Track and monitor labor requirements by month, week of the month, day of the week and hours within the day. Proactively stagger and schedule …

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Omni-Channel Fulfillment

Achieve more with less. Our Omni-channel fulfillment modules allow you to manage multiple channel requirements with a minimal warehouse footprint.

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Additional Functionalities that Enhance..

  • Embedded BI and Reporting
  • Configurable Dynamic Allocation Rules
  • EDI & Retail Compliance
  • Manufacturing, Assembly & Kitting
  • Results Driving Advanced Analytics
  • Customizable, Configurable, Cost Effective

Embedded BI and Reporting

Our systems come embedded with advanced business intelligence and reporting module. We partner with high end business intelligence solution providers, so you get the best of our functionalities along with the best in business intelligence & reporting. You can customize the look, feel, filters and data subset of your reports. Different members of the team can save the personlized view they want on a single chart without the need for multiple custom views. Drill down and generate insights at the speed of mouse clicks.

Configurable Dynamic Allocation Rules

Segmented value chain management and segmented customer management is critical to differentiate market positioning and serve accordingly. When inventory is tightly managed, it is critical to ensure that inventory is appropriately allocated so your most important customers are prioritized. Use our customizable rules based allocation methodologies to define and automatically manage the inventory allocation. Use a combination of hard and soft allocations to reserve inventory from the moment goods are received to reallocating as late as even when goods are loaded into the trailer.

EDI & Retail Compliance

Manage retailer specific compliance requirements, seamlessly integrate EDI communications with your retailer, either through our portal or your own existing portal easily. Capture all ASN related information during due process without separate activity management. Avoid costly fines that erode profitablity.

Manufacturing, Assembly & Kitting

Warehouse operations are an integral part of manufacturing operations. Similarly light manufacturing, assembly and kitting operations are an integral part of warehouse operations. From Work Order creation, to raw material picks, and BOM consumption through WIP and Finished goods production all the way to shipping is a set of seamless and readily deployable functionalities in Oφ WMS. As the roles of manufacturing and warehousing facilities blur along with the omni-channel requirement to ship from all nodes in the supply chain, the systems have to be adaptable as well. Oφ WMS supports both discrete and continuous manufacturing.

Results Driving Advanced Analytics

We put the best minds in academics and industry to develop relevant heuristics and optimization models and embed them in our WMS to work for you. Let our demand sensing models monitor SKU velocity changes and automatically adapt slotting models to track movement. Let our WMS profile the day’s orders & shipments and create customized wave, batch, zone picks to ship the most number of orders, or maximize revenue or profit generated at month/quarter end, all while maximizing productivity. Whether you want to push your operations to the next level or assuringly get the job done, there is an algorithm to help you accomplish just that.

Customizable, Configurable, Cost Effective

In addition to the loads of standard and easily configurable functionalities, our modular approach to process flow makes it extremely easy to tailor your specific process needs and add custom functionilites on the fly without adding substantial costs. Advanced users in your team can eventually configure the system on their own to add or modify processes as the business requirements change. Enjoy a tailored system that addresses all your unique requirements with an expansive list of future functionalities that you can grow into at an affordable price. Customizable, Configurable & Cost Effective.

Success Stories

Increased throughput + reduced errors + Lot tracking

A high velocity NY based food manufacturer made the difficul...

WMS in Manufacturing

A major business unit of a Fortune 50 company shifted from a...

Wave, Zone, Batch pick to improve productivity and increase channel velocity

A hardware manufacturer was struggling to get orders shipped...

Rapidly Launch & Scale

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Supply Chain Planning and Execution


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