System Solutions
Supply Chain Analytics

Transportation Management System (TMS)

Implement Oφ Transportation Management System – Improve
service levels and reduce costs by 10 – 15%

If you can download your orders
from your ERP into an excel file
today, you can go live with our
TMS tomorrow…

Welcome to the world of one click deployment as we
introduce you to our next gen Oφ TMS, that will transform
your transportation and logistics..

Whether you are a global CPG firm, a retail giant, or a small to mid-sized manufacturer or a distributor, you can successfully manage and reduce your transportation costs by leveraging our expertise and our TMS.

Our client’s supply chains are extended and globally expansive. They are rest assured that their global shipments – both inbound and outbound, are secure, controlled and tracked all the way with optimal pay for carrier service.

With our configurable and cost effective TMS, you get

  • Advanced functionalities at affordable pricepoint
  • A Solution that is tailored for you
  • Lightening speed cloud or on-premise deployments
  • Enthusiastic & Quick absorption
  • Rapid ROI

Core Functionalities that Deliver..

Multi & Mixed Mode Global & Domestic Shipping

Our customers lean on us to provide them with reliable transportation strategies to ensure smooth shipment planning & execution.

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Sophisticated Carrier

Manage your Carriers proactively. Ensure that your commitments to the carriers are met while enforcing their commitment to you and your business. Read More

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Detailed Contract

Whether it is small package, LTL, TL, Ocean or Air, you need a one stop shop to manage and monitor all your carriers contracts.

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AORTA – Optimize Inbound &
Outbound Transportation

Whether you are a low volume shipper with more LTL and small package, or a high volume shipper with substantial volume LTL and TL movements

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Least Cost Routing, Load
Tendering, & Tracking

Tender loads to the carrier based on least cost routing, volume commitments or a combination of both using our propreitary algorithms.

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Freight Bill Audit & Cost Management

Let the system audit your bills, GL code and track costs seamlessly. Shorten the procure to pay timeline and eliminate errors associated with manual audit.

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Additional Functionalities that Enhance..

  • Manage RFP, Contracts & Relationships
  • Transportation Network Planning
  • Centralize & Standardize
  • Embedded Control Tower Visibility
  • Results Driving Advanced Analytics
  • Customizable, Configurable, Cost Effective

Manage RFP, Contracts & Relationships

A critical requirement to successfully managing your transportation and logistics is the ability to form sound mutually benefitting partnership with carriers. In a capacity constrained market, it is important to manage relationships through peaks and valleys. Manage RFPs across modes with our TMS, so that you can define expectations in terms of capacity commitments, service level requirements and identify the best carrier/price combination that will suit you, in more than a transaction based environment. Create RFPs, run the tenders, receive pricing/service response, evaluate, select and award carriers all in one centralized place.

Transportation Network Planning

Many a times companies get used to the existing network and seldom question its efficacy in the dynamic Omni-Channel business setting. Leverage our TMS to constantly evaluate the efficiencies and inefficiencies in the existing logistics network. Perform scenario analysis leveraging your existing contracts as well as benchmark rates in new lanes readily available on demand..

Centralize & Standardize across business units

Combine centralized contracts and carrier mix management as part of the shared services organization with easily enabled local execution that still provides ample freedom and control. Ensure compliance to freight and transportation policies across the entire organization. Leverage automation to drive rapid change management and create a dynamic logistics management environment.

Embedded Control Tower Visibility, Reporting & Decision Support

In order to deliver at the highest level, a TMS needs to provide regular feedback and provide visibility of all the moving parts. Oφ TMS has advanced capabilities to provide real time visibility through an interactive business intelligence module. You can customize the look, feel, filters and data subset of your reports. Different members of the team can save the personalized view they want on a single chart without the need for multiple custom views. Drill down and generate insights at the speed of mouse clicks.

Results Driving Advanced Analytics

We put the best minds in academics and industry to develop relevant heuristics and optimization models and embed them in our TMS to work for you. Let our extremely adaptive analytics enhance your decision making, ensure high efficiencies and consequently high returns.

Customizable, Configurable, Cost Effective

In addition to the loads of standard and easily configurable functionalities, our modular approach to process flow makes it extremely easy to tailor your specific process needs and add custom functionilites on the fly without adding substantial costs. Advanced users in your team can eventually configure the system on their own to add or modify processes as the business requirements change. Enjoy a tailored system that addresses all your unique requirements with an expansive list of future functionalities that you can grow into at an affordable price. Customizable, Configurable & Cost Effective.

Success Stories

Centralized decisions and localized executions

A leading industrial filtration system manufacturer had more...

Freight consolidation, load scheduling and route optimization

A leading apparel and footwear retailer was struggling to ma...

Rapidly Launch & Scale

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Supply Chain Planning and Execution


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